1 Week 49 CM- No RE classes - we do not meet 8:00 AM Sunday Mass - AS/CM 9:00 AM Christmas Tree Lot 10:00 AM Sunday Mass - AS/JB 12:00 PM Sunday Mass - PN/JB 1:00 PM Adoration 1:15 PM Emmaus 3:00 PM Emmaus 4:30 PM Sunday Mass - PN/KS 5:45 PM Upper Room 6:00 PM Lector Training Part 1 of 2 - Online Class Spanish Sunday Mass - PN/KS/KL+
2 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 10:00 AM Families of Nazareth Faith Sharing Group 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN Social Bridge Group 4:30 PM CM-RE Classes 6:00 PM AMA Food Pantry Christmas Tree Lot 6:15 PM CM-RE Classes 6:30 PM Catholic Alcohol & Addictions Ministry Mtg 7:00 PM St. Jude Young Adults Catholics Awakened Topic Exploration with Deacon Ken
3 Francis Xavier, priest 6:30 AM Bible Study Highschool-Chick-fil-A 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 9:00 AM AMA Food Pantry 9:15 AM S&R Prayer Service SoulCore St. Brigid's Needlework Ministry Christmas Breakfast 10:30 AM Legion of Mary 3:00 PM Adoration 4:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Reconciliation - PN 6:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN Christmas Tree Lot 6:30 PM Adoration R.C.I.A. 7:00 PM PATH support mtg Boy Scout Troop 131 Meeting Women's Welcome Team Formation
4 6:00 AM That Man Is You 7:30 AM Exploring the Sunday Readings via Zoom 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 9:30 AM FUNERAL LOW, and RITE OF COMMITALL for Clarence Schweizer 10:00 AM Women's Wednesday Morning Study 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN 4:00 PM Choristers Rehearsal (Youth Choir) 5:30 PM CM-RE Classes ESL Classes Emmaus Out of Sequence High School Sacraments 6:00 PM ROSARY SERVICE for Cecilia Bonilla Kornegay Christmas Tree Lot 7:00 PM Christmas Pageant Parent Meeting Daughters of Mary Legends & Legacies
5 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS NORTH NURSERY RESERVED for FAMILY of Cecilia Bonilla Kornegay 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM SET UP-FUNERAL RECEPTION - Cecilia Bonilla Kornegay Advent Study FUNERAL MASS and RITE OF COMMITTAL for Cecilia Bonilla Kornegay 11:30 AM FUNERAL RECEPTION - Cecilia Bonilla Kornegay 12:30 PM CLEAN UP-FUNERAL RECEPTION for Cecilia Bonilla Kornegay 1:00 PM Alzheimer's Caregiver Support 3:00 PM OFFSITE - Graveside Committal Service for Robert Grondalski Adoration 5:00 PM Reconciliation - AS/RR 6:00 PM Weekday Mass - RR AMA Food Pantry Christmas Tree Lot 6:30 PM Adoration AHG Troop Meeting Grief Support Group Meeting 6:45 PM The Way Cub Scout Pack 131 Meeting 7:00 PM Lector Training Part 1 of 2 - Online Class DANIEL & HIS SKITSTERS Men's Welcome Team Formation 7:30 PM K of C 4th Degree Officer/Assembly Mtg
6 St. Nicholas, Bishop & Confessor 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - RR 9:00 AM Adoration AMA Food Pantry 9:15 AM SoulCore 9:30 AM CANCELLED Beginner Bridge Class 11:30 AM WOSJ - Christmas Luncheon Heritage Ranch Country Club 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN 6:00 PM Christmas Tree Lot 7:00 PM Aprendiendo a Orar Con La Palabra
7 St. Ambrose 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - RR 9:00 AM Reconciliation - RR/PN Family Event - Breakfast with St. Nick & Family Advent Workshop AMA Food Pantry Christmas Tree Lot 9:15 AM Legion of Mary Devotional Prayers 9:30 AM CANCELED-SET UP Rite of Committal for Andrew Esposito 10:00 AM CANCELED - RITE OF COMMITTAL for Andrew Esposito 3:30 PM Baptisms - CM 4:30 PM Corporate Rosary 5:00 PM Anticipatory Mass - AS/CM+ Welcome Pulpit Talks
8 Week 50 Immaculate Conception of Mary (OBL) 8:00 AM Sunday Mass - RR/CM+ 8:30 AM CM-RE Classes 9:00 AM Christmas Tree Lot Giving Tree Gift Sort 10:00 AM C.L.O.W. Children's Liturgy of the Word Sunday Mass - PN/CM+ 10:30 AM CM-RE Classes 12:00 PM C.L.O.W. Children's Liturgy of the Word Sunday Mass - RR/JB+ 1:00 PM Adoration 1:15 PM Emmaus 3:00 PM Emmaus 3:30 PM La Consagracion a Jesús por medio de María 4:30 PM Sunday Mass - PN/JB+ 5:45 PM UpperRoom 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday Mass - AS/JB
9 8:30 AM Immaculate Conception of Mary Mass - RR 9:00 AM Giving Tree Gift Sort 9:30 AM St. Jude Mom's Group PrayDates 10:00 AM Families of Nazareth Faith Sharing Group 12:00 PM Immaculate Conception of Mary Mass - AS Social Bridge Group 4:30 PM CM-RE Classes 5:00 PM Immaculate Conception of Mary Mass - PN/JB 6:00 PM AMA Food Pantry 6:15 PM CM-RE Classes 6:30 PM Catholic Alcohol & Addictions Ministry Mtg 7:00 PM Immaculate Conception of Mary Mass (Spanish) - RR/KS Young Adult Men and Women Study-Not Meeting Bible Study - Acts of the Apostles
10 6:30 AM Bible Study Highschool-Chick-fil-A 8:00 AM NORTH NURSERY RESERVED for the FAMILY of Ralph "Geno" William Marascio 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - RR 9:00 AM FORMATION ROOM RESERVED for Military Personnel for FUNERAL MASS AMA Food Pantry Giving Tree Gift Sort 9:15 AM SoulCore 9:30 AM ROSARY, FUNERAL MASS, RITE OF COMMITTAL for Ralph "Geno" William Marascio 10:00 AM SET UP-FUNERAL RECEPTION for Ralph "Geno" William Marascio 10:30 AM Legion of Mary 11:15 AM FUNERAL RECEPTION for Ralph "Geno" William Marascio 12:00 PM Round Robin Bridge 12:15 PM CLEAN UP-FUNERAL RECEPTION for Ralph "Geno" William Marascio 3:00 PM Adoration 5:00 PM Reconciliation - RR/PN 6:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN 6:30 PM Adoration R.C.I.A. 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal Boy Scout Troop 131 Meeting Women's Welcome Team Formation
11 6:00 AM That Man Is You 7:30 AM Exploring the Sunday Readings via Zoom 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN 12:30 PM Good Timer's Luncheon 4:00 PM Choristers Rehearsal (Youth Choir) 5:30 PM CM-RE Classes ESL Classes Emmaus Out of Sequence High School Sacraments 6:45 PM Liturgy Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Daughters of Mary Legends & Legacies
12 Our Lady of Guadalupe 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 10:00 AM Advent Study WOSJ prep for luncheon 3:00 PM Adoration Our Lady of Guadalupe set up for reception 5:00 PM Reconciliation - AS/RR 6:00 PM AMA Food Pantry 6:45 PM The Way 7:00 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass - RR/AS/JB/RH DANIEL & HIS SKITSTERS Men's Welcome Team Formation 7:30 PM K of C Council Officers Mtg 8:00 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe Reception
13 NO WEDDINGS St. Lucy 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - RR NORTH NURSERY RESERVED for FAMILY of Kenneth Warwick Beale 9:00 AM AMA Food Pantry 9:15 AM SoulCore 9:30 AM Beginner Bridge Class 10:00 AM SET UP-FUNERAL RECEPTION - Kenneth Warwick Beale FUNERAL MASS and RITE OF COMMITTAL for Kenneth Warwick Beale 11:15 AM FUNERAL RECEPTION for Kenneth Warwick Beale 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - PN 12:15 PM CLEAN UP-FUNERAL RECEPTION for Kenneth Warwick Beale 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal: Hernandez/Cunningham - AS 7:00 PM Aprendiendo a Orar Con La Palabra
14 St. John of the Cross 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN ST VINCENT DE PAUL TRUCK 9:00 AM Reconciliation - PN/RR AMA Food Pantry 10:00 AM Camaroonian Women Association Dedication Mass - AS 1:00 PM Wedding: Hernandez/Cunningham - AS 3:00 PM AHG Wreaths Across America Ceremony 3:30 PM Baptisms - RR AHG Wreaths Across America Veterans Reception 4:30 PM Corporate Rosary 5:00 PM Anticipatory Mass - RR/JB Tamale Sales 6:00 PM Youth Movie Night (Star)
15 Week 51 ST VINCENT DE PAUL TRUCK Tamale Sales 8:00 AM Sunday Mass - PN/KS 8:30 AM CM-RE Classes 10:00 AM C.L.O.W. Children's Liturgy of the Word Sunday Mass -PN//KS 10:30 AM CM-RE Classes 12:00 PM C.L.O.W. Children's Liturgy of the Word Sunday Mass - AS/RH 1:00 PM Adoration 4:30 PM Sunday Mass - RR/CM 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday Mass - AS/CM/KL+
16 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 10:00 AM Families of Nazareth Faith Sharing Group 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - RR Social Bridge Group 4:30 PM CM-RE Classes 6:00 PM AMA Food Pantry 6:15 PM CM-RE Classes 6:30 PM Catholic Alcohol & Addictions Ministry Mtg S&R Board meeting 7:00 PM St. Jude Young Adults Catholics Awakened Topic Exploration with Deacon Ken Parish Penance Evening
17 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 9:00 AM AMA Food Pantry 9:15 AM SoulCore 10:00 AM NORTH NURSERY RESERVED - Funeral Planning Meeting for Wanda Lee Zihlman 10:30 AM Legion of Mary 11:15 AM AMA Senior Luncheon 12:00 PM NORTH NURSERY RESERVED for Funeral Planning for Jose Rodriguez Tristan 12:30 PM Duplicate Bridge 3:00 PM Adoration 3:45 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal 4:00 PM Vocation Awareness Cmte 5:00 PM Reconciliation - PN/RR 6:00 PM Weekday Mass - RR 6:30 PM Adoration R.C.I.A. 7:00 PM PATH support mtg Boy Scout Troop 131 Meeting Women's Welcome Team Formation
18 S&R Christmas Parties & Book Exchange-PJ Day 7:30 AM Exploring the Sunday Readings via Zoom 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - AS 4:00 PM Choristers Rehearsal (Youth Choir) 5:30 PM CM-RE Classes ESL Classes 6:30 PM Light is on for You - Christmas Night of Reconciliation - AS/PN/RR 7:00 PM Daughters of Mary
19 S&R Christmas Parties & Book Exchange-PJ Day 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 10:00 AM Advent Study 3:00 PM Adoration 5:00 PM Reconciliation - AS/RR 6:00 PM Weekday Mass - RR AMA Food Pantry Grief Support Offsite Dinner 6:30 PM Kitchen Training Adoration 6:45 PM The Way Cub Scout Pack 131 Meeting 7:00 PM DANIEL & HIS SKITSTERS Men's Welcome Team Formation 7:30 PM K of C Monthly Meeting
20 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 9:00 AM AMA Food Pantry 9:15 AM SoulCore 9:30 AM ROSARY, FUNERAL MASS and RITE OF COMMITTAL for Angela Owens Dugan Beginner Bridge Class 11:15 AM FUNERAL RECEPTION for Angela Owens Dugan 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - RR 3:00 PM Convalidation: Fernandez - RR 7:00 PM Aprendiendo a Orar Con La Palabra
21 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 9:00 AM Reconciliation - AS/RR CM-Pageant Dress Rehearsal - N-Z AMA Food Pantry 9:30 AM Columbarium Maintenance 11:00 AM CM-Pageant Dress Rehearsal - A-M 1:00 PM SPANISH FUNERAL MASS for Jose Rodriguez Tristan 2:00 PM FUNERAL RECEPTION for Jose Rodriguez Tristan 3:30 PM Baptisms - RH 4:30 PM Corporate Rosary 5:00 PM Anticipatory Mass - PN/RH+
22 Week 52 CM- No RE classes - we do not meet 8:00 AM Sunday Mass - AS/RH+ 8:30 AM ST VINCENT DE PAUL TRUCK 10:00 AM Sunday Mass - AS/RH+ 12:00 PM Sunday Mass - RR/KS+ 1:00 PM Adoration 4:30 PM Sunday Mass - PN/KS+ 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday Mass - RR/KS
23 CM- No RE classes - we do not meet Parish Office Closes at 1 pm 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 9:00 AM S&R closed 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - AS No Social Bridge Group 1:00 PM ROSARY and FUNERAL MASS for Wanda Lee Zihlman 6:00 PM CLOSED AMA Food Pantry 6:30 PM Catholic Alcohol & Addictions Ministry Mtg 7:00 PM Young Adult Men and Women Study-Not Meeting
24 Parish Office Closed 8:30 AM No Weekday Mass - Canceled 9:00 AM CLOSED AMA Food Pantry S&R closed 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass (Children's Mass) - AS/JB RR/RH Children's Mass - Pageant - N-Z 6:30 PM Christmas Eve Mass (Children's Mass) - AS/KL Christmas Eve Mass (Spanish) - RR Children's Mass - Pageant - A-M 8:30 PM Christmas Eve Mass - PN/TB
25 CM- No RE classes - we do not meet Parish Office Closed The Nativity of the Lord (OBL) Midnight Mass - RM/KS 9:00 AM S&R closed 10:00 AM Christmas Day Mass - AS/CM 12:00 PM Christmas Day Mass - PN/CM
26 Parish Office Closed St. Stephen, first martyr 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 9:00 AM S&R closed 5:00 PM Reconciliation - AS 6:00 PM Weekday Mass - AS CLOSED AMA Food Pantry 7:00 PM DANIEL & HIS SKITSTERS
27 Parish Office Closes at 1 pm St. John, Apostle, Evangelist 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 9:00 AM CLOSED AMA Food Pantry 9:30 AM Beginner Bridge Class 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - AS
28 Feast of the Holy Innocents 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - PN 9:00 AM Reconciliation - AS/PN CLOSED AMA Food Pantry 9:30 AM SET UP-Rite of Committal for Andrew Esposito 10:00 AM RITE OF COMMITTAL for Andrew Esposito 3:30 PM Baptisms - CM 4:30 PM Corporate Rosary 5:00 PM Anticipatory Mass - AS/CM
29 Week 1 CM- No RE classes - we do not meet Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 8:00 AM Sunday Mass - AS/CM BLOOD DRIVE 10:00 AM Sunday Mass - PN/CM 12:00 PM Sunday Mass - PN/JB 1:00 PM Adoration 4:30 PM Sunday Mass - RR/RH 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday Mass -RR
30 CM- No RE classes - we do not meet Parish Office Closes at 3 pm 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - AS 9:00 AM S&R closed 10:00 AM FUNERAL MASS for Christopher Alphonsus Quinn 11:15 AM FUNERAL RECEPTION for Christopher Alphonsus Quinn 11:30 AM OFFSITE - Social Bridge Group 12:00 PM Weekday Mass - RR 6:00 PM CLOSED AMA Food Pantry 6:30 PM Catholic Alcohol & Addictions Ministry Mtg
31 Parish Office Closed 8:30 AM Weekday Mass - RR 9:00 AM CLOSED AMA Food Pantry S&R closed 5:00 PM No Reconciliation Solemnity Blessed Virgin Mary Anticipatory Mass - AS/JB 7:00 PM Solemnity Blessed Virgin Mary Anticipatory Mass - Spanish - RR